
3 Dreams That I Have Realized and the 1 Key To All of It

So those are the opportunities that I love to share, and I’m super excited for the change that they’ve brought to my own life, as well as the change that I know they can help you find!
You know what the best part is, though?
I’m never in it alone.

If you’ve been around for a while, you’ve probably heard me talk about the financial wellness and health opportunities that I have in my toolbox and love to share with people. Well, today, I thought I’d share a little more about those opportunities and what actually drew me to the companies that I now work with. To start, though, I’m going to recap the dreams that I’ve been pursuing… which are ultimately what lead me to where I am now.

First, I had three major dreams after finding my Romeo and starting our family:

  • To reignite my inner warrior, the part of me that doesn’t back down from a challenge, that lives on purpose with a fire inside
  • To create a life of freedom with and for my family, so that Romeo and I are able to actually enjoy the life that we’ve been given to spend with our kids, and
  • To share the tools that I’ve discovered with other people who have similar goals and values

In my pursuit of reigniting my inner warrior and creating that life of freedom for my family, I did a lot of inner work. I invested in mentors, coaches, and schooling – which gave me a great base… but not all the answers. A few things that this process provided, however, were the identification of my three pillars (Health Freedom, Wealth Freedom, and Mindset Freedom) and introduction to a network that I still value, even three years later.

Now, a key player in that network is named Greg, and he introduced me to the catalyst for my family finding financial freedom. In 2022, shortly after we made the transition from Taiwan to Washington state, Greg shared with me an opportunity to make our money work for us through a leading global blockchain company called GSPartners. Of course, I did my homework and researched it. Like so many others, we weren’t in a situation to be frivolous with our resources. Well, when I saw what this company was doing to change and impact lives around the world by helping people find true time and money freedom, I was intrigued, to say the least! So, I plugged in, learned more and decided to put my own money to work by saving and growing my own money through the power of passive income. In four short months, my family went from barely making ends meet in our finances to taking that first step to financial freedom – we had enough residual income coming in to be able to fully cover all of our monthly expenses with a bit of surplus after! This is the financial opportunity that I talk about, and is key in achieving my dreams -more on that in a minute.

Now, relocating back to the states was a huge catalyst for change in my life. I was officially launching my coaching business, and I wanted the health freedom pillar of my business to be top notch, both for my own health improvement as well as sharing with my clients. As a lifelong athlete and health conscious individual, I had dabbled in different nutrition programs and tried my hand at my own weight loss and exercise programs off and on through the years. But with everything that I found, it always came back to me doing it on my own, unless I surrounded myself with my own accountability group. With my lifelong experience in athletics, coupled with my decades of teaching and coaching experience, I knew the power of teamwork!

As they say, it takes a village to raise a child, but that doesn’t stop once we grow up! We are the average of the five people we surround ourselves with so our success in anything we do is contingent upon our village! And luckily, for me, one of my village people happens to be my cousin who had been finding great success as an OPTAVIA coach for over a decade. So when I reached out to her and began to learn more about OPTAVIA and its mission, which centered around healthy habit change, I knew right away that I had found a partner aligned with my desire to impact others by teaching positive lifestyle habits. In September 2022, I officially became an Independent OPTAVIA coach, and began my own personal, transformational journey alongside beginning to share and help others start theirs.

So those are the opportunities that I love to share, and I’m super excited for the change that they’ve brought to my own life, as well as the change that I know they can help you find!
You know what the best part is, though?
I’m never in it alone.

The financial opportunities of GSParters are wonderful, but they’re not actually the main draw for me.

The education system and health benefits of the OPTAVIA program are awesome, but they’re not my favorite part.


The wonderful thing about both of these programs is that I am aligned with the mission and values of each company, and the companies have teams that are supporting me the whole way! While I’m in control of my business, I’m never alone in achieving success! And that’s my no. 1 key to achieving my dreams – teamwork

If you’ve read this far, first, I want to say thanks.
Second, I want to invite you to schedule a call with me. You’ve had a chance to read over the reasons that I’m in love with the companies that I represent, I would love to share further resources with you! In a 20-minute call, you can receive the information you need to decide if pursuing either of these would be beneficial to you – and as an independent health and life coach, I promise to be honest with you about what would fit your goals the best at this point. Ready? Schedule a call here.

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