
Hi there! I'm Chrisanne

But most people call me Coach RoFo.

I have a BA in Psychology, an MS in Multidisciplinary Studies and 20+ years of experience in the educational system as an MS and HS mathematics teacher and an athletics coach, teaching and coaching both in the US and internationally in Taiwan and the Philippines.

I hold a dual certification as a Health and Master Transformational Life Coach from the Health Coach Institute, and I am also a Certified AreteWay Life Coach with a diploma in Positive Coaching!

I became a mother at what my OB-GYN called “an advanced maternal age”, and with that came a host of physical and mental changes. I continued to hear the refrain of “you’d better get used to this”, and “that’s just the way it is now”, as I struggled with sleep, energy, motivation, and so much more.
Well, I knew that I wouldn’t settle for mediocre – in motherhood or any other part of life! So I jumped into a journey of self-discovery and transformation, investing in coaching and education so that I could be the best mom, wife, friend, and professional that I could be.

On this journey, I learned about the Big 5 Areas of Health and the 6 Streams of positivity, and based my transformation around intentionally incorporating these into my everyday life. Coaching is a part of who I am, as an educator and an athlete, and I knew that I needed to share this knowledge, experience, and system with my people!

Over the last year, we transitioned our family from living in Taiwan to living full time in the US. I made the move from a well-paid teacher to a full time entrepreneur. Needless to say, our lives changed a lot! But the skills, habits, and purpose that I found in my coaching journey kept me going throughout the transition process.

In this transition, we discovered so many opportunities that have helped us get to where we are – from transforming our health to changing the way we handle finances and helping up build wealth – all backed up by solid habits built through my transformational coaching.

Now, I get help those who feel like they just can’t achieve their goals – working with you to identify your purpose and desires, develop the habits and mindset to support your life goals, and finally achieve Lifestyle Freedom!

Hey, Friend!
So you’re interested in the concept of “lifestyle freedom but you’re not sure that you want to commit to a call yet? I’ve got you!
Find several, no-pressure ways to connect with me and discover more about the benefits of Lifestyle Freedom and how I can help guide you to your own version of success!