
Are You Derailing Yourself?

Have you ever had a time where things just felt like a struggle? Everything was a grind… or maybe just a period full of bumps and hiccups, where nothing goes as smoothly as it should. Whether it’s a day, week, month, or even longer… we all have these seasons, if we’re honest. I’ve recently gone through one of those seasons, and it actually opened my eyes and helped me be grateful for what I’ve been through before. Let me explain:

Previously, I have not handled bumpiness very well. Generally, I would freak out and stress, wasting time and energy on things beyond my control. My emotions would get all tangled up with worry, and I would exhaust myself over circumstances beyond my control. I was allowing my reaction to situations to derail me from achieving my dreams.

Now, I’m grateful to say that my response has changed. Don’t get me wrong, worry and stress still pop up, but I no longer allow them to control me, and I’m not wasting energy on things that I can’t change. Instead, I’m more able to take a deep breath, a step back, and assess the situation. Control what I can control, and allow the rest to play themselves out, instead of spiraling off course. What made this change for me? Well, a couple of things…

First, I’ve done a lot of mindset work, both through my own journey and my education as a coach. I’ve worked on my habits so that my initial reaction doesn’t hold me in a rut, but rather allows me to use that reaction to grow through the process.

Second, through my mindset and habit work, I’ve relearned that the best way to grow is to trust that there is good in everything and it will work out. In coaching school, we called this “trusting that which is Greater”, acknowledging that there is a larger power working a plan that we can’t see, and knowing that it will turn out well in the end. And I thank God daily that this is true!

Last, but totally not least, is using tools to help me adopt this growth mindset – and as cliche as it may sound, inspirational quotes are a great tool! For example, take this quote by Hal Elrod, “It’s not about what happens to us, it’s about how we show up, no matter what’s happening.”
Just having those pretty quotes on your wall might not be very helpful, but allow yourself to take some time with it. How can you actually apply this quote to your own life? 

Mindset work, Habit change, and using your tools are all amazing for changing the way your circumstances impact your life. They don’t change what happens around you… they empower you to grow through what’s happening inside you. If you’re ready to be empowered to take control of your direction and stop derailing yourself, schedule a call to find out about my Mindset and Habit Change sessions.

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