
Coming Back To Center

Quiet Time. What do you think of when you read those words? When I talk about this topic, I’m talking about the time that you take to de-load and de-stress your system – a reset time, if you will. Not necessarily stillness. It could be seated meditation, active meditation, journaling, creating art, or just spending […]


Building Connection For a Happier, Healthier Life

Open for Connection Did you know that being connected – actual real, deep relationships with other people – is one of the keys to both being healthy and enjoying life? It’s true, and unfortunately, true connection is sorely lacking in our modern, busy society – especially for high-performers like yourself! Now, I hope that you […]


What is Connection, Really?

Connection has a simple definition, but is harder to actually quantify. According to, connection is the state of being connected… but what does it mean to be connected? Well, to connect is defined as 1: to join, link, or fasten together; unite or bind:2: to establish communication between; put in communication:3: to have as […]


I Just Want to Sleep!

Raise your hand if you’ve ever laid down to sleep at night, totally exhausted… and when your head hits the pillow, a million thoughts seem to flood through your brain.Annoying, right?? So how do you set yourself up to be able to lay down and actually enjoy some sweet rest without all those thoughts swirling […]


Preparing to Rest Well

Howdy there, Friend! If you didn’t know already, I’m gonna let you in on a secret.*stage whisper* Sleep is really important for your health. Mental, physical, emotional, there’s literally nothing better than sleep to boost your performance in any area. So why is it so hard for so many people to get good sleep and […]


Balancing Your Life Through Movement

  We’re going to dive in with a question that is commonly asked: Is exercise actually important for me?  The answer? Hells yes! Movement is critical to our health and longevity! Moving your body not only has amazing physical and health benefits, but it also helps balance all other parts of life. After all, the […]


Live Out Loud – Finding Lifestyle Freedom

Do you feel like you’re living out loud? What do I mean?? Well, Living Out Loud is the idea of living your life to the fullest, embracing true freedom to dream, accomplish goals, and enjoy life… and then letting others know that it’s possible for them, too. Living Out Loud means that you’re an ambassador […]


I Know That Movement is Important… But I Hate Exercise

Exercise. Love it, hate it, or just meh… it’s an area that impacts all of our lives.Personally, I’ve lived the go-hard-or-go-home lifestyle, and for a while it was awesome! But the truth is that this mentality is not sustainable for our whole lives. We need to incorporate periods of rest, time to recover, and truly […]


When What You Eat Matters: Good Choices Without Dieting

Howdy, friend! If you’re like most of us, then you’ve experienced the dieting roller coaster, the weight yo-yo, the being hungry and not feeling any better. In my last post (you can read that here), I gave you two techniques that you can use to create more presence around meals, improve your digestion, and help […]


Transforming Your Relationship With Food – 2 Hacks to Ditch Dieting For Good

Howdy, Friend! I want to talk to you about something that can get a little personal, and has a huge impact on our health and wellbeing! That thing is nutrition.  Yep, I want to talk about food – but I don’t want to focus on diets, fads, or telling you how you should eat. I […]