
Are You Derailing Yourself?

Have you ever had a time where things just felt like a struggle? Everything was a grind… or maybe just a period full of bumps and hiccups, where nothing goes as smoothly as it should. Whether it’s a day, week, month, or even longer… we all have these seasons, if we’re honest. I’ve recently gone […]


3 Dreams That I Have Realized and the 1 Key To All of It

So those are the opportunities that I love to share, and I’m super excited for the change that they’ve brought to my own life, as well as the change that I know they can help you find!
You know what the best part is, though?
I’m never in it alone.


Goals & Grace: The Art of Achieving

Fall is one of my favorite times of year! The changing weather, the excitement of getting back into school for the kids, and relief of shifting back into routines after a busy summer of exciting adventures, but no consistency!   As we head into this change in the weather season, one of my favorite things […]


Is Your Community Helping You Build Your Freedom?

Why Does Community Matter? Jim Rohn says “We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.”  Many of you may know my transformational story, which I won’t get into now, but you can read on my blog “Keeping The Main Thing The Main Thing”. My transformational journey to this current […]


Keeping it Together

It’s funny how in times of sharing in someone’s excitement that there can be all sorts of mixed emotions that we can experience underneath the surface, joy as well as overwhelm, and happiness alongside chaos. All of the feels, all at once, right?I shared in my last blog about reflecting on our journey of the […]


The Power of a Simple Prayer and Hard Work

I’ve been in a reflective mood a lot lately – which, honestly, I think is part of why I can acknowledge the success that I’m experiencing! It feels so amazing to see my dream unfolding, the dreams I visualized, prayed for and spoke positively about through affirmations and meditation and to see me now in […]


Keeping the Main Thing, the Main Thing

As I’m coming out of a relaxing holiday weekend and I look back at the shifts in my business over this last year and the juggling act of trying to balance personal life with being an entrepreneur, I think of the importance of the need to be flexible, to be able to roll with the […]


Enjoying Your Lifestyle Freedom

Happy Independence Day, y’all! It’s July 3rd, and tomorrow is America’s Independence Day.Have you ever wondered why so many countries and cultures celebrate the anniversaries of the day that they gained autonomy from the previously ruling country? It’s because the desire for freedom is written on every human heart! But this idea of “freedom” can […]


Living a Life of Freedom Starts with Clarity

You know that phrase, “you can be anything you want”? Wanna know the one problem with that encouraging phrase..?It lacks direction.It is wonderful to think, to believe that you can be or do anything you want, however… when you don’t know how to decide what you actually want, it leaves you treading water, not really […]


Coming Back To Center

Quiet Time. What do you think of when you read those words? When I talk about this topic, I’m talking about the time that you take to de-load and de-stress your system – a reset time, if you will. Not necessarily stillness. It could be seated meditation, active meditation, journaling, creating art, or just spending […]