
Enjoying Your Lifestyle Freedom

Happy Independence Day, y’all! It’s July 3rd, and tomorrow is America’s Independence Day.
Have you ever wondered why so many countries and cultures celebrate the anniversaries of the day that they gained autonomy from the previously ruling country? It’s because the desire for freedom is written on every human heart! But this idea of “freedom” can vary, depending on your culture, your dreams, and even your personality.

What does freedom look like for you?

I think a key to truly achieving freedom is to develop your own definition of what freedom is for you. Now, let’s use a baseline real quick. According to, freedom is the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint, or exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc. Of course, there are both federal and moral laws that a person is subject to, but within those laws… you get to make your own choices! I would like to offer the idea that freedom is less about “freedom from” and more about “freedom to”! So… you’re free to choose your own life! What are you going to do with your freedom?

Benefits of Lifestyle Freedom

Here’s an example of the Benefits of Lifestyle Freedom… One year ago, we relocated our family of 4 from living 15 years abroad in Southeast Asia – with a secure 21 year teaching career supporting us to come back here to my hometown to shift my career path into entrepreneurship! 

Reflecting on the past year… All I can say is WOW… what an amazing year it has been! It certainly gave us some bumps and bruises and had us stumbling here and there, but overall it has been a year of amazing blessings and divine connections that have opened doors for us that have been life changing! 

My visions and desires that I started pursuing back in June 2020… my desire to be free and flexible, where I was my own boss and could tailor my schedule around the things that matter most to me, namely my family, all while following my passion and purpose to help others live their best lives and discover their ultimate potential… I am now living these dreams and desires on a daily basis!

Has it been a smooth sailing path thus far? Heck NO!  It’s taken hard work, focus, learning a new level of consistency in habit building and alot of shifting and re-aligning as needed to find what works, all while striving to stay true to my passion and purpose… but it has also been unbelievably exhilarating and full of excitement! I am living my version of  lifestyle freedom… pursuing and growing daily in my health freedom, my budget freedom, and my spiritual freedom!

Achieving Lifestyle Freedom

I have been dreaming about being able to prioritize my family, my own health, and live a lifestyle of freedom since early 2020. It’s now 2023 and I can say that I am living that dream! But… Like I just mentioned, it hasn’t always been smooth. So, here’s what it takes to achieve a Lifestyle of Freedom:

  • Clarity – You have to have an idea, a dream, a vision to pursue
  • Dedication – Let’s face it, most people aren’t living a life of self-determination. Breaking out of old cycles and even going against the grain for most of society is HARD. From balancing finances to dealing with peer pressure, it takes dedication to achieve a life of freedom.
  • Habits – everyone has habits, and those habits will make or break your journey. If your habits don’t support your dream, find a way to build new habits!
  • Support – whether it’s support from your partner (super important), support from your friends, or accountability and guidance from a coach or mentor… it’s almost impossible to carve the path to freedom on your own.


These four keys can lead you to a life of freedom, a life of being able to throw your energy into your own passions, rather than working your whole life for someone else. So, I have one last question for you…

Are you ready to start pursuing a lifestyle of freedom? From Nutrition to Mindset to Finances, I can help you find the freedom to live your dreams. Schedule a discovery call to find out if my support can help you achieve your dreams!

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