
Is Your Community Helping You Build Your Freedom?

Why Does Community Matter?

Jim Rohn says “We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.” 

Many of you may know my transformational story, which I won’t get into now, but you can read on my blog “Keeping The Main Thing The Main Thing”. My transformational journey to this current season in my life started back in 2019, a month after I had my son. I started to examine myself, to turn my gaze within if you will, and start to truly explore “if there were no limits in life, if I could wave a magic wand and get anything I wanted, what was it that I would truly desire?” At first, I didn’t know how to answer this question, and then I discovered a powerful tool – the Life Force Statement. This Statement sent me on a mission to explore and shift my mindset so that it aligned with what it was that I wanted in my life—to live my best life daily, to have freedom and flexibility, time and money freedom for and with my family, to be a servant leader to help others do the same. But in order to do that, I needed to get my mindset in line with my beliefs… a mindset of belief that anything is possible and that we are capable of achieving whatever it is that we desire. 

Now, 3 years later, I just had an amazing weekend in Atlanta Georgia at the Let’s Go Weekend 12 event with GSPartners WealthBuilders Global. I was able to spend time connecting, learning and growing with my WBW family, continuing our mission to provide individuals worldwide with the tools required to enhance their lives, achieve their dreams and build legacy wealth.

Build Community to Find Freedom

After the event, we took some time in the evening to relax, and talked about our takeaways from the conference. While everyone was impacted differently, my big takeaway was all about the people… the opportunity to link arms and walk alongside a stellar team of authentic, kind-hearted individuals, knowing that we’re all on the same mission: To believe in and live our own dreams and help others do the same. To put the important things, the MOST important things at the forefront of our life, and live the life that we know we deserve. 

So much research also has shown that our external world is a reflection of our internal world – meaning that our experiences around us are a mirror for what’s really going on inside of us. This is one reason that it is so important to surround yourself with people who will encourage you, who will lift you up, cheer you on and inspire you. Our inner beliefs about what we believe we deserve will play out in our experiences, so if you’re surrounded by negativity, by negative things and people, that may be a reflection of your internal thoughts about yourself, others, and the world. So many people go through life, living unconsciously, not aware of how their experiences are reflections of their inner thoughts. If what you’re seeing in your external world is not what you want it to be, then it might be time to turn your investigation inward and look at what sort of thought patterns are being created within your mind.

As I sat there in Atlanta, Georgia, surrounded by a group of people who are living out their purpose – which aligns with mine, and seeing the power of a community that is making positive, powerful change for themselves and others, I just felt truly blessed and utterly thankful and grateful. From postpartum reflection to living out my dreams today, it really is true what Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”


If you want to find a community that can help you achieve your dreams and live out your version of success, send me a DM over on Instagram!

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