
Keeping the Main Thing, the Main Thing

As I’m coming out of a relaxing holiday weekend and I look back at the shifts in my business over this last year and the juggling act of trying to balance personal life with being an entrepreneur, I think of the importance of the need to be flexible, to be able to roll with the punches… But too much flexibility can erode our vision and make achieving our goals seem more like a pipe dream. So how can we actually accomplish our hearts’ desire – while being able to roll with the punches?
The key is to always “keep the main thing the main thing” and keep your goal and your vision in your sights so that as the roads get bumpy, as you get knocked off course, or when you have a “bad day”, you are able to get back on your horse, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get going again. 

With all of the shifts and twists that have taken place in my business model – and my life! – this year I have consistently come back to my passion and purpose, which is to live a free & flexible life, to be the CEO of my business and my life, to have time with my family by doing things that are centered around designing my dream life. In keeping that “main thing” my main thing, even with the shifts that my business has been through, I feel that I have stayed in alignment with my purpose, and most importantly, remained authentic with my mission. I’ve made some amazing partnerships and connections in the last year, and they are part of what helps to keep me aligned, chasing my vision.
Currently, I’ve found that support and alignment with the transformational health company I partner with in my quest to help people find health freedom, and also with an amazing global FinTech company in my quest to help people find budget freedom by getting their money working for them so they create time and money freedoms – which then leads to energy freedom! The overarching piece that ties these two incredibly different, but so aligned, companies together is the mindset &  spiritual freedom, which connects to relationship with self, relationship with others, and connection to that which is greater… For me that’s my relationship with God. 

As we’re rolling through July, I’m calling it my “Fly July” month as I refocus and recommit to my own 3 pillars – health, budget and spirituality –  because this freedoms quest is a journey, not a destination. When we conquer 1 mountain, we create a “new normal” and then begin the next growth trek. And hey, as exhausting as it may sound sometimes, this growth process is a good thing! This month, I am stepping back into my warrior mode after being relaxed on holiday with my family, so that I can fully enjoy this birthday and all my birthdays to come! Part of how I do that is to tap into and channel the wisdom of my coaches and mentors, particularly Clarence Thatch, my kickboxing coach. This helps me always come back to my focus to keep the “main thing the main thing” where “I shall WIN! I am the BEST! No one is BETTER!”

Here’s the exciting part for me: I shall win! I am the best at what I do! No one is better at being me than me! But that doesn’t mean that this freedoms quest is just for me. Whether it’s dominating the kickboxing ring, #throwback, or winning with your health, money, and relationships, or whatever your main thing is… no one is better than you to live your life! Now, other people may be better than you at certain things, for now… But it won’t stay that way if you choose your focus, craft your dream, and commit to your goal.

We start our goals with a dream, but it can’t stay there. To really commit to a goal, you have to start living out your priorities. What do I mean? Well, you can say that something matters to you. You can say that you prioritize or value an aspect or relationship… but do your actions live out your words?
If I looked at your calendar, your to-do list, if I talked with your family or friends… would they tell me the same thing that your words do? Dream your dream, craft your plan to achieve your goals… and then live it out. Don’t let your dream die on the paper. You got this! You are the best to live your life! No one is better!


Hey! Thanks for sticking with me to the end. If you’re feeling like, “RoFo, this is all great… but I don’t even know how to put my dreams on paper, let alone create a goal or a plan!”, friend, I’ve got your back! This is just the kind of thing that the 90-minute intensive session is for. We take a deep dive into your most pressing issue, brainstorm, and come up with a customized plan for you. No cookie cutters here! Get started with a Discovery Session to see if this would be a good option to help you find your momentum and gain your freedom! 

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