
Stepping Back to Step Forward


As we’re finishing up the last two months of 2023, I’ve dedicated myself to taking some time to just step back and review the past year, finding that it’s a good habit to look back with a non-judgemental, grateful mindset. This enables me to realistically evaluate what I’ve accomplished, where I haven’t accomplished what I wanted to, and what I’m grateful for over the past year. Now, I honestly still can’t believe that it’s been almost a year and a half since we relocated our entire life from living overseas for 15 years to move back here to my hometown – stepping out of our two-decade careers as educators and to take our teaching and coaching skills into serving others through our coaching and consulting business.

As I take the time to review, it just continues to amaze me how God has been ever present in this journey, the power of trust and faith in the vision that I have – that I believe He set forth for me and my family – and to just lean into that faith and trust, even in moments of struggle, and especially in moments of uncertainty. You may be asking yourself right now, “Well, what does this have to do with improving my life?” or “How does this actually help me move forward??” I’m glad you asked! I have two points that I want to make here:

  1. Gratitude is a powerful tool! As I look back over the last year and assess what’s happened in both my business and personal life, I’m overwhelmed by gratitude for the network of people that I’ve been introduced to and surrounded by. They have presented opportunities, encouraged me, challenged me, and ultimately helped me to do and become better. Taking the time to recognize this gratitude helps me rededicate to showing up as my best self, whatever that looks like, each day.
  2. It’s ok to make a change, or a pivot or whatever you want to call it, as you grow and evolve. Example; One of the realizations that I had in reviewing the last few years of work is that the way I show up on social media isn’t as engaging to people as I think it should be. So, instead of doing the same thing over and over and expecting things to change, I’m going to allow myself to take a step back, evaluate what works and what doesn’t, and move forward with a strong strategy and foundation. 

These two things may mean that my stuff looks different for a little while. My approach to business, marketing, and even general life may change, a little? A lot? Who knows?? But the important takeaway is that no matter where you are in your life, you can take a step back, review through a lens of gratitude, and still decide that things need to change. Whether that’s mindset or circumstance, I’m still here to help you with that. Check out my services page to find out how I can help you live a lifestyle of freedom, or schedule a call here.

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