
The Power of a Simple Prayer and Hard Work

I’ve been in a reflective mood a lot lately – which, honestly, I think is part of why I can acknowledge the success that I’m experiencing!

It feels so amazing to see my dream unfolding, the dreams I visualized, prayed for and spoke positively about through affirmations and meditation and to see me now in reality fully stepping into this journey that I knew was my purpose back in 2019 when I started my own personal development journey! I made a decision on June 2, 2019 to do things differently than I had been because I wanted different results. The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results, and I didn’t want that to be my life anymore! So I started to explore what I wanted to do if there were no limits in life… if I had a magic wand and I could wave it and get anything that I wanted, if money were no issue… what were my true desires in life? 

It IS to live the best version of myself daily and help others do the same, to support others to live into their dreams, to unleash their inner warrior, to figure out what their purpose and meaning and passion is in life and help them devise a plan of action to step into that for themselves. 

A year ago, having just relocated back to my home town in Spokane Valley, Washington after living abroad for the past 15 years, and stepping out of a 21 year six figure career as an educator into the unknown of entrepreneurship, we were getting settled into a new house, sorting out our car situation and trying to figure out how to launch my coaching and consulting business. We weren’t sure what our new venture was going to look like, so obviously there was A LOT of worry and uncertainty – and I’ll admit definitely some fear! Now, you can live paralyzed in fear, or you can take action. I chose to take action, even though it felt like my options were limited. I went to Target and bought a little sign that said “Live by Faith” and I put that sign above my bed and every night as I went to bed, I just looked up at that sign as I kneeled to pray and said “Lord, I know this is what I’m supposed to be doing please guide our steps. Please watch over us and bring forth for us what we need when we need it.” 

Maybe that was a simple prayer, but now, a year later as I look at the amazing doors that have opened for us, all of the people who have come into our lives that have added to and helped us to grow as individuals, entrepreneurs and business venturers, I recognize these blessings. We’re fully secure in our home, we have two cars in our driveway – nice cars by the way – and I’m sending my husband off to Cameroon for a month! He’ll be visiting his family, contributing to charitable causes in his home country, and tending to business opportunities globally!

All of this may sound like a brag, but honestly, that’s not my intention. We are able to financially do all of this because we’ve got our money working for us, and the sky’s the limit in terms of our financial situation now! We are also blessed to be in great health, which is a blessing but also possible because we make it a priority. To complete my lifestyle freedom journey, I am building my spiritual relationship with the Lord by committing to reading the Bible in a year!  In the last year, we have gone from a place of scarcity, wondering how we were going to pay the bills, to now being financially free, continuing to grow our money and help others do the same! All I can do is praise God, and pay it forward by offering to help other people discover the opportunities that I’ve been given.


It’s taken a few years, but in pursuing my dreams and doing life differently, I have 3 pillars that made all the difference in my life, and it’s how I help people just like you achieve their own lifestyle dreams!


  • Achieve your Health Freedom through my nutrition-based transformational health program, which is all about healthy habit change in your nutrition and movement, and mindset
  • Discover your Budget Freedom opportunities by getting your money working for you, so that you can save and grow your assets in a very abundant way, which frees up time and energy for the important things in your life
  • Explore the liberty of Mindset Freedom with the opportunity to explore and improve your relationships with self, others, and your connection to That Which is Greater – whatever you acknowledge as your Higher Power or Spiritual Connection

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